Qualitative Software Development
Innovative and well planned concepts in combination with standardised development processes are the basis for developing qualitative and market viable software which satisfies our customers requirements.
We develop software in various programming languages for PC, embedded and PLC systems under Windows, Linux and proprietary operating systems starting right from planning the design document to developing the final solution.
We develop innovative software concepts and adopt standardised methods of version control, quality control and verification (eg. Software development cycles based on the V-Model used in the automobile industry)
Some of the areas we deal with are:
- User-friendly graphical user interfaces and visualisations (C++, C# , Delphi, Qt, WPF, DirectX, OpenGL, DirectShow, ...)
- Database based Backends (ODBC-/OLE-DB/ADO). Database systems: MySQL, SQL-Server, Access, Filemaker ...
- Software for Embedded Control und Microcontrollers (ARM, Siemens, XC167, Atmel, PIC, Dallas, MPC5200, ColdFire ...)
- Software-Engineering und Algorithm-Development
- Software for ERP and administration of special processes
- Control and Navigation systems (GPS based)
- Network communication (TCP/IP, Point to Point, Sockets)
- PLC-Software based on the standards IEC61131 (industrial PCs, S5, S7, Soft PLCs...)
- Control Engineering (Identification, Controller design, Process development)
- Material Handling Engineering (traffic control, path optimal control, order planning, warehouse solutions)
- System development under Realtime-Linux (RTAI), uCLinux
Our unique selling points are:
- Innovative Ideas and Conceptual Design Through efficient work methods in diverse and multilingual teams comprising of engineers and scientists with a qualification of a doctorate or a masters degree, we can analyse processes and develop optimal and innovative solutions for our clients.
- Leading Know-how Our experience and expertise with different programming environments, compilers, languages and technologies gives us a leading edge.
- Extensive Resources Our vast repertoire of literature, licenses and software libraries, which is constantly kept up-to-date, aids us in solving tasks in an efficient and focussed manner.